Sports Turf Blog
Sports Turf to Renovate the Vikings' Baseball and Softball Field
Sports Turf Company, a specialty sports construction and surfacing company, is proud to announce it...
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Athlete 2 Athlete Inspires Georgia High School Students Leveraging Current and Former Professional Athletes
Game Changers Foundation, partnering with Sports Turf Company, is excited to announce the return of...
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Sports Turf Scores Corky Kell Sponsorship to Kick Off the 2021 High School Football Season
Sports Turf Company, a sports facility construction company, is proud to sponsor the Corky Kell...
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Sports Turf Company to Renovate Putnam County High School Stadium Field
Sports Turf Company, a specialty sports construction and surfacing company, is proud to announce it...
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Synthetic Turf Trends
Synthetic turf systems are evolving to safer, more durable and higher performing systems to compare...
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The Best Easy Step to Ensure a Successful Athletic Field: Hire an ASBA Certified Field Builder (CFB)
The first step when considering renovations on your athletic field is to consult with an expert in...
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What to Consider When Converting your Field to Artificial Turf
High traffic, playability and reduced maintenance are just a few reasons why a field manager may...
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Summer Tips for your Athletic Facility
Summer is here and that means juggling proper maintenance on your facility and summer usage from...
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Employee Spotlight | Mark Becker
Mark Becker has been employed with Sports Turf Company for 16 years and leads the Sports Track...
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